Monday, February 07, 2005

China and Martin Jacques

What is it about Martin Jacques’s Grauniad pieces that makes me think of the future is bright, the future is pro-soviet writings in the west in the 1920s and 1930s? His tone and style remind me of the hagiographic writings of Sidney and Beatrice Webb in “Soviet Communism: a New Civilisation?” Note that all-important question mark in the 1935 edition that was removed for the 1937 edition.
Like the Webbs Jacques ignores the innumerable cases of human rights abuses, like the case of Hada,
detained in 1995, reportedly because of his involvement in an
organization called the Southern Mongolian Democratic Alliance, which aimed to
promote human rights, Mongolian culture and greater autonomy for China’s
minority nationalities
and like the case of
Dr Yang, originally a mathematician, is a permanent US resident who was detained during a visit to China in April 2002, having entering the country illegally (using a friend’s passport). He reportedly suffered a stroke in late July 2004 in Beijing No. 2 Prison, where he is serving a five-year sentence. Dr Yang has reportedly applied to prison authorities for medical parole - a measure available to prisoners in China whose illness is sufficiently serious as to benefit from conditional release to allow for recovery outside the prison. However, as Dr Yang’s case has been marked by a series of procedural failures and irregularities on the part of the Chinese judiciary, leading to extended delays in proceedings, there are serious concerns his application will not be processed promptly, leading to possible additional risks to his health.

Or the case of Li Guozhu, a farmers' rights advocate who was detained in early November after he investigated deadly ethnic clashes in Henan province.

It's not like this information is difficult to find. It is easily available from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.

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