Saturday, July 01, 2006


A sudden flush of blood to the wallet led me last night to a shed of a computer store. Three quarters of an hour later I walked out with a laptop and a wireless router.

Now, on possibly the hottest day of the year, I'm thinking through my next actions.

The intention is to allow Rullsenberg to work upstairs, on this machine, while I work elsewhere on my new laptop. Now setting up the network involves disconnecting cables and jiggery schmiggery pokery. I don't do that.

Regular expressions, Perl, SQL, database administration and *nixie administration is what I do. And I do it with no qualms. Just get on and do it. Unplugging physical stuff that works, changing its state, and plugging it back in puts the fear of figgy pudding into me. What if it stops working? Have a Plan B. What if that doesn't work? Go and have a damn fine cup of coffee.

Neologism alert: As an aside I've just googled "fear of figgy pudding" and got the message "Your search - "fear of figgy pudding" - did not match any documents." End of neologism alert. Let's hope that's not like you tube maury pickles.

So here I am putting off doing the deed. Drinking coffee. Eating figs. Listening to Orishas "A Lo Cubana".

Once it's done I've promised myself a cool glass of Ricard.

Now all I've got to do is do it.

*** I think this post has been dreadfully self indulgent. But that's just the kind of self indulgent crap people like Simon Hoggart get paid shedloads of money to produce. ***

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